Philadelphia Steetcars – Part I – From PRT to PTC


At one time this city had one of the largest streetcar fleets in the world. From PRT to SEPTA, this video tells the history of Philly trolleys from their early years in photos, to the 1930s B&W; film, color in the 1950s to the 1980s plus video of the short lived PCC Welcome Trolley Line.

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The Philadelphia Streetcar story is a colorful one. At one time the city had one of the largest fleets of streetcars in the world. From PRT to PTC to SEPTA, Part One of the series gives a brief history of Philly Trolleys from their earliest years to 1995 with B&W; film from the 1930s, color film to the 1950s, 60s, 70s & 80s. Also included are Video scenes from the 1995 Welcome line, the Chestnut Hill Trolley & storage of the PCCs at Germantown.

Film by the late Richard Vible, Jeff Marinoff, Jim Borland, Ivor Walsh, Ray Muller.

Copyright 1995 GPS Video. Revised in 2004. 90 Minutes. Color and BW.